Saturday, September 27, 2008

Little things mean a lot...

A while ago several Googawho? fans recommended that a new feature be added to the search tool. They wanted a way to view the search engine results of their choice, full-screen, without keyboard shortcuts, right-clicking or selecting from alt-menus. It took a while, but that feature is now offered. To use it, just click one of the little blue arrows above either frame and voila! These little blue arrows remember the last engine loaded below them. Click one and your search terms get passed to that search engine, which then loads into the window. All with just a click.

Looking back on the effort these little JavaScripts required leaves me wondering whether it was worth it?... I mean, all that work just so people can browse AWAY from my site. Hmmm.

Another new feature that just seemed to make sense, was adding a form.submit within the onClick event of the radio buttons. This makes gathering your search related content for news, images or web results go a lot faster. You no longer need to re-click the Double Your Search!! button when switching between the search types. DUH!


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